Web Design & Development

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Veruschka Foundation

31+ million Indians with intellectual and developmental disabilities lack access to leading an independent life of dignity

Here's how we helped Veruschka Foundation Company improve its website's performance

This case study explains how our expert design and development team helped improve Veruschka Foundation Company's website, resulting in improved donations and engagements figures.

Client & product

After more than 5 years of research and experimenting, Veruschka Foundation Company had launched its website into the market and was anxiously awaiting the feedback from the market about its performance. The product experts of the company had put in great efforts to ensure exceptional quality of the product. However, the sales figures were not getting any closer to the projected numbers.


Soon, the management came to know that the reach was limited owing to the poor quality of the company's website. It was not optimized the way it should have been, the content didn't speak about the uniqueness of their brand and had some grammatical errors that had gone unnoticed.

Apparently, it failed to create a strong impression on the website's visitors and many potential sponsor/donors were lost in the process.


Our first step was to give Veruschka Foundation Company's website a complete overhaul and design it according to the latest standards. To achieve this, our team of website design and development experts worked closely with the company's management to improve the content.

The website that we created was made mobile-responsive, had an excellent loading speed, and a consistent theme. Besides, the content written by our experienced content writers were placed at appropriate places on the website.

The content also talked about the brand and the product in detail in a unique and easy-to-understand way. As a result, the site visits improved and the sales of the company's product took off within just a few months.